
Archive for the ‘Ansted’ Category

As I stated in a previous post, when I set out my genealogy goals for 2011, I thought it would be relatively simple to write up the biographies for the two people I had significant information about in my Ansted line. In December, I had information on my great-great-great grandmother Dionysia Ansted and her father […]

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Happy Australia Day from snowy Canada! In honour of Australia Day – January 26 for those non-Australians - Shelley at Twigs of Yore recently invited all genealogy bloggers with Australian ancestry to find the earliest piece of documentation they have about an ancestor in Australia. Those of use without Australian ancestors were to choose the earliest piece […]

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As a librarian – and as one who specializes in media-tracking and news monitoring – I am well aware of the value of newspapers as sources of information both past and present. Over the last couple of weeks I have been using online newspapers to fill in gaps in my knowledge about ancestors and to enhance my understanding of the […]

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The Ansteds of London

In keeping with my goals for the year, I started working on my Anstead/Ansted line this month. I figured it wouldn’t do to fall off the pace in the first week of the year! I had intended to write the biographies for my ggg-grandmother and my gggg-grandfather, which were the only Ansteads I had any […]

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