
Posts Tagged ‘Newspapers’

John Ansted was my great-great-great-great grandfather. Baptismal records state he was born on October 27, 1789 to Thomas and Esther (Carruthers) Ansted. He was baptised on November 22 of that year at St. Dunstan in the East, London, England. In 1820, the following wedding announcement appeared in April edition of The London Review and Literary Journal: 11. […]

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My great-great-great-great-great grandfather Thomas Ansted was born around 1764, likely in London, England. I hope to eventually find solid information on his birth, but for now the best I can find is his death certificate that suggests his birth would have been around 1764. I don’t have any information on Thomas’ childhood or young adulthood at […]

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The focus of the 103rd Carnival of Genealogy, hosted by Jasia at Creative Gene, is Women’s History. March 8th is International Women’s Day and the month of March is Women’s History Month in the United States. (And, in case you’re interested, Canada’s is in October!) When I thought about what I could contribute to the Carnival, it seemed logical […]

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As a librarian – and as one who specializes in media-tracking and news monitoring – I am well aware of the value of newspapers as sources of information both past and present. Over the last couple of weeks I have been using online newspapers to fill in gaps in my knowledge about ancestors and to enhance my understanding of the […]

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