
Posts Tagged ‘Tombstone’

The Sharon Temple is located in Sharon, ON. It was built in the 1800s by the Children of Peace. I am not going to attempt to provide a comprehensive history of either the Temple or the Children of Peace. But I will touch on my ancestors’ connection to both. Should you wish to know more than I […]

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The focus of the 103rd Carnival of Genealogy, hosted by Jasia at Creative Gene, is Women’s History. March 8th is International Women’s Day and the month of March is Women’s History Month in the United States. (And, in case you’re interested, Canada’s is in October!) When I thought about what I could contribute to the Carnival, it seemed logical […]

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My great-great-great grandparents – Thomas Burton and Dionysia Anstead – were originally from England. Thomas lived in Norfolk and Dionysia was from London. After their marriage in 1848, they lived in Norfolk until they made the decision to move to Canada. They settled in Montreal in 1867 and remained there until their deaths. They are buried in Montreal’s Mount […]

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When in Quebec a few years back, we visited Athelstan. My grandmother had been born there and her mother’s family had lived there for years. We found the cemetery where my great-great-grandparents and my great-grandmother were buried. The Presbyterian church is quite striking. The cemetery is in behind it. The cemetery was small but quite […]

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Photo taken in October 2006 in the St. John Cemetery near Brock Twp., Ontario. In memory of Philip St. John Died Dec. 13, 1874 Aged 83 Y’rs 9 Mo’s Imigrated from Co. Limerick Ireland A.D. 1817 In Memory of Ann, Wife of Philip St. John Died Oct. 5, 1880 AE. 88 Y’rs 2 M’s Native of […]

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