
Posts Tagged ‘Census data’

After a very long break, I’m back blogging with the next ancestor on my list: my 4g-grandmother Alice Maria Hardy. Alice Maria was baptized on December 29, 1782 at St Stephen’s Church in Norwich, Norfolk County, England. Her parents were James Hardy (1744-1817) and Eleanor Le Bas (1751/52-1846). Alice’s father had been married previously and […]

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John Ansted, Jr. was my great-great-great grand uncle. His sister Dionysia was my great-great-great grandmother. John intrigues me because he was the eldest of a family of seven and he was the only son. He worked with his father at the family business (Clark, Ansted & Co., fruit brokers) until his death a year before his father’s passing. […]

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John Ansted was my great-great-great-great grandfather. Baptismal records state he was born on October 27, 1789 to Thomas and Esther (Carruthers) Ansted. He was baptised on November 22 of that year at St. Dunstan in the East, London, England. In 1820, the following wedding announcement appeared in April edition of The London Review and Literary Journal: 11. […]

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My great-great-great-great-great grandfather Thomas Ansted was born around 1764, likely in London, England. I hope to eventually find solid information on his birth, but for now the best I can find is his death certificate that suggests his birth would have been around 1764. I don’t have any information on Thomas’ childhood or young adulthood at […]

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The focus of the 103rd Carnival of Genealogy, hosted by Jasia at Creative Gene, is Women’s History. March 8th is International Women’s Day and the month of March is Women’s History Month in the United States. (And, in case you’re interested, Canada’s is in October!) When I thought about what I could contribute to the Carnival, it seemed logical […]

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My great-grandfather John Everett Fee was born to John and Henrietta (Salter) Fee on March 1, 1878 and baptized in the Wesley Congregation Church in Montreal that October: John Everett, son of John Fee of Montreal, machinist, and Henrietta Salter, his wife, born on the first day of March eighteen hundred and seventy eight, was […]

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John Fee (1844-1922)

John Fee was the eldest son of Thomas Fee and Charlotte Williams. Family records indicate he was born in September 1844 and I have found an index for his baptism in 1845. John (7) was listed in the 1851 census along with his parents Thomas (35) and Charlotte (32) in St. Malachie, QC. In the […]

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Thomas Fee (ca1816-1897) pt II

This is a bit of an update and extension to my previous brief post on Thomas Fee. He was my great-great-great-grandfather. Family lore says that around age 20 he emigrated to Canada about 1837 from Northern Ireland. He settled in Quebec. He married Charlotte Williams in 1844 in Ormstown, QC. In papers left by my grandmother, […]

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Thomas Fee (ca1816-ca1897)

Thomas Fee was my ggg-grandfather. Family lore says that he emigrated to Canada, aged 20, about 1837 from Northern Ireland. He settled in Quebec. He married Charlotte Williams in 1844 and they had eight children. According to family records he died in Dewittville, QC on January 18, 1897. It is family tradition that Thomas ran […]

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My great-great grandmother Henrietta Salter was born to David and Maria (Knight) Salter on April 25, 1846 and baptized at Anglican Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal: Henrietta, daughter of David Salter of Montreal, Tinsmith, and of Maria Knight, his wife, was born on the twenty-fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six and […]

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