
Archive for the ‘General’ Category

As 2014 kicks off, I realize I haven’t actually written a post in well over a year. So I figured it was time to attempt to get the blog up and functional again. What better way than to participate in Randy Seaver’s Saturday Night Genealogy Fun as outlined on his Genea-Musings blog? Our mission is […]

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Happy Anniversary to me!

It’s hard to believe a year has already passed since I started this blog. I have not published nearly as often as I had hoped to – “real life” tends to get in the way of research at times. But, despite the intermittent publishing schedule, this blog has brought me into contact with a handful […]

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It’s Saturday night and it’s time for some of Genea-musings’ Saturday Night Genealogy Fun. Tonight’s challenge is to: 1) If you have your family tree research in a Genealogy Management Program(GMP), whether a computer software program or an online family tree, figure out how to find how many persons, places, sources, etc. are in your […]

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SNGF – It’s Wordle time!

It’s Saturday night – time for Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, courtesy of Randy Seaver over at Genea-Musings. Tonight’s fun involves Wordle: 1)  Go to the Wordle site – www.wordle.net and create your own unique Wordle  – it’s a word cloud.  You can use either a clump of text, enter your own words (say, surnames, or given […]

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SNGF – A day without blogging

Once again we’ve made our way around to Saturday and I have found myself with a few free minutes. Time for Randy Seaver’s Saturday Night Genealogy Fun over at Genea-Musings! Our mission is to: 1) We all know that Blogger (www.blogspot.com) was down for 20 hours from Thursday afternoon to Friday morning. What did you […]

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SNGF – My Genea-Wish List

It’s Saturday again (how did that happen?!), which means it’s time for Randy Seaver’s Saturday Night Genealogy Fun over at Genea-Musings. The mission tonight is: 1)  Think of the genealogy related wishes you have – what education, database, or information would make your genealogy research dreams come true?  Be specific – as many wishes as […]

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SNGF – A Genealogy Book

It’s Saturday night, which means it’s time for Randy Seaver’s Genealogical Fun over at Genea-Musings. Our mission tonight is to: 1)  Find the last genealogy book that you have read cover-to-cover or from which you learned something about genealogy.  Write a complete source citation, and transcribe the first paragraph of the Introduction. 2)  Tell us about it in […]

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SNGF – New Genealogy Blogs

It’s time for Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, courtesy of Randy Seaver at Gena-Musings. The mission, should we decide to accept it, is to: 1) Go to the Geneabloggers website – www.geneabloggers.com – and look for the post New Genealogy Blogs March 12, 2011. 2) Pick out at least five blogs from this list that interest […]

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SNGF – Go for a better Google search

It’s Saturday night, which means it’s time for Randy Seaver’s Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge as posted at Genea-Musings. The mission this week is to: 1)  Go to genea-blogger Randy Majors website (http://www.randymajors.com/). 2)  Add his blog to your RSS reader, if you don’t have it already. 3) Read his blog post AncestorSearch using Google Custom Search […]

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SNGF – The Date You Were Born

This week’s Saturday Night Genealogy Fun from Randy Seaver over at Geneamusings is all about the date you were born. Randy writes: Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to: 1) What day of the week were you born? Tell us how you found out. 2) What has happened in recorded history on your […]

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